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City Council Meetings


City Council meetings are held at City Hall on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00PM and are open to the public. Recordings of our meetings are posted HERE​​. 

If you wish to address the City Council and be placed on the agenda please contact City Hall at (859) 498-8725. The agenda is set for all meetings @ 4PM on the Thursday prior to the meeting.

The Mayor and the members of the City Council welcome and encourage citizens to bring issues and concerns before the Council whenever there is a need. The Mayor and Councilmembers are your elected representatives. It is both your right and responsibility to be heard. 

The basic time allotted to each speaker is five minutes, though this time may be shortened if there are a large number of speakers. No speaker will have less than three minutes to address Council. If you are part of a large group, we ask that you select a "spokesperson" if able. However, anyone wishing to address the Council will be heard. 

Here is some basic information about addressing the Council. 

1. All individuals are requested to state their name and address before addressing council. For security reasons you may choose not state your home address and state "I am a resident of the city", or "I am a business owner in the city", or "I am not a resident or a business owner in the city but wish to address Council about a concern".

2. Speakers are requested to present their remarks or comments from the podium provided. However, disabled individuals or individuals with mobility concerns may make remarks from their seat or an alternate location. 

3. Remarks may be directed at the Council, but Council is not required to respond or debate issues during public comment. In most cases, the Council will need to further research your issue or concern before being able to provide feedback. 

4. You may present items or handouts to the Council for review or consideration. Those items provided to the City Clerk by 4PM on the Thursday prior to the meeting will be provided to the Councilmembers in their packets which are delivered to each Councilmember prior to the meeting. 

5. Citizens are asked to refrain from making personal attacks on the Mayor, members of the Council, city employees, or other citizens. Vulgar or foul language will not be tolerated. 

6. Citizens are encouraged to provide contact information to Councilmembers in the need further questions or clarification arises.