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Welcome to
Mount Sterling

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Public Hearing - ongoing

To help us better understand and serve our community, we invite you to provide some anonymous demographic information. Your responses are voluntary and will remain confidential. This information will be used to improve our outreach and engagement efforts.​ Thank you for participating in our public meeting!​​​​ Click HERE​ to complete the survey.

​City Accepting Bids for Street Resurfacing

The City of Mount Sterling, Kentucky requests sealed bids for the resurfacing, repairs, and reconstruction of various city streets. Sealed bids will be accepted from KY DOT pre-approved paving contractors on this project until 9:00AM EST Friday March 28, 2025 at which time the bids will be publicly opened at City Hall. The City of Mt. Sterling, Kentucky reserves the right to reject any and all bids, regardless of cause. Specifications and bid documents may be obtained at City Hall, 33 North Maysville Street, Mt. Sterling, KY (859) 498-8725 or may be downloaded here: Bid Packet - Mt Sterling KY Street Resurfacing Projects 2025.pdf ​

​City Accepting Bids for Lease of Adena Trail - Court Day 2025 Festival

The City of Mount Sterling is receiving bids to lease property located along the Adena Trail area during the annual October Court Day Festival. The lease of this property will be for the festival held in the calendar year 2025. Bids may be submitted by mail to City Hall, 33 N Maysville Street, Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353. All bids should be sealed and to the attention of: Mayor Al Botts-Court Day. Bids will be received up until 9:00 AM EST on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Submitted bids should be submitted in the following format: "A bid of $____ is submitted for use of the property located along the Adena Trail area during the annual Court Day Festival scheduled for 2025.“  No bids shall be received after the above-stated time. The terms, conditions, and details of this solicitation for sealed bids may be obtained at any time prior to the opening of sealed bids from the City Clerk at 33 N Maysville Street, Mount Sterling, Kentucky 40353, or by phoning (859) 498-8725. The property may be inspected by phoning (859) 498-8725. The City of Mount Sterling reserves the right to reject any and all bids.  

City Accepting Bids for Main Street Sidewalk Construction

City of Mt Sterling in conjunction with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is accepting competitive sealed bids for the Main Street Sidewalk Project until Friday, April 18th at 10am (EST). All bids shall be in a sealed envelope, mailed or delivered to: City of Mt Sterling, Mayors Office, 33 North Maysville Street, Mt Sterling, KY 40353. All bid envelopes shall be clearly marked “Main Street Sidewalk Project” in the bottom left corner of the envelope. The bids will be opened in a public forum in the Conference Room at 10:15am (EST).

Plans and Specifications will be available for pickup/mailing via CD from Palmer Engineering, 400 Shoppers Drive, Winchester, Kentucky 40392, 859-744-1218.

A preconstruction meeting will be scheduled with the low bidder after award.

Bidders and DBE subcontractors must be prequalified with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and possess a Certificate of Eligibility at time of bid opening. A DBE goal of 2% has been established for this project. All other subcontractors must be prequalified when accepting subcontracts.

Prevailing wages apply to this project. A 5% Bid Bond is required with the contractors bid. The successful bidder will be required to provide a payment and performance bond in the amount of 100% of the bid. The City of Mt Sterling reserves the right to reject any and all bids and accept the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder. No BIDDER may withdraw his/her bid within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

​​​Trash collection is every WEDNESDAY. Recycling collection is every other WEDNESDAY ​

​Trash is collected every Wednesday in the city. Recycling​ is collected every other Wednesday. ​​You can download the recycling schedule here: 2025 RECYCLE PICKUP MT STERLING KY.pdf

​Contact RUMPKE @ Contact Us | Rumpke​ if you have an issue or concern with your service, or if you need to provided with a trash or recycling cart. You may also reach out to us at City Hall if you need assistance. ​​

​FY 2024-2025 Budget

The Mount Sterling City Council has approved the budget for the coming year (July 2024 to June 2025). FY BUDGET 2024-2025.pdf

Contact City Hall at (859) 498-8725 if you have any questions. ​


​City Business License

​Any business or business entity engaged in any occupation, trade, profession, or other business activity conducted for gain or profit in the City, except those activities that qualify as a transient business, shall obtain a business license. Late fees now apply. The calendar year 2025 fees are $120 for Full Time​; $60 for Part Time or Occasional; and $100 for Mobile Vendors (Food Trucks).

Contact City Hall at (859) 498-8725 if you have any questions. Ordinance 2023-13 - Business License - City of Mount Sterling.pdf

Business License application - City of Mount Sterling Business License.pdf

Mobile Food Vendor application - Mobile Food Vendor Liscense Application.pdf

​These FOOD TRUCKS are liscensed to operate in the city limits: ​FOOD TRUCKS licensed to operate in the city.jpg

​​​​Comprehensive Plan​

You can review our Comprehensive Plan HERE . 

City Map

You can view our City Map here: Mount Sterling City Map.pdf 

Official Zoning Map 

You can view the Zoning Map here: ZONING MAP of city


​Property Tax Notice

NOTICE TO ALL CITY PROPERTY OWNERS - Tax rates were approved by the City Council at the September 17, 2024 meeting. 2024 CITY TAX RATES.pdf

City tax bills were mailed on October 25, 2024. Tax bills were mailed to the property owner or the address shown on the tax bill. If your tax bill is to be paid by a mortgage company, or previous owner, please forward the bill to the responsible party for payment. If you do not receive a bill, please contact City Hall at (859) 498-8725 Monday ​through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or a copy can be obtained at

Tax bills are due and payable beginning November 01, 2024, with the following collection dates:

​- Face Amount 12/01/2024 to 12/31/2024

- 10% Penalty  01/01/2025 to 01/31/2025

- Additional .5% interest per month from 02/01/2025

​​For your convenience, property tax bills can be paid on-line (a 2.5% convenience fee is applied by the card administrator). You may pay your tax bill using a credit card HERE  .  You may also use our convenient and secure locked drop-box located at the front of City Hall. 

A copy of your tax bill can be obtained @

Payments can also be made in person at City Hall Monday thru Friday during the hours of 9AM to 3PM. Payme​nts can also be mailed to: 

City of Mt. Sterling, 33 North Maysville Street, Mt. Sterling, KY 40353. 

All payments should be made out to the "City of Mt. Sterling" and should include a copy of your tax bill or the bill number. If you wish for a receipt to be mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Find out more about:  

​Our business community: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

How much fun we have here! TOURISM​

All of the places we play! PARKS and RECREATION​

Our water and sewer infrastructure: MT STERLING WATER and SEWER

Community resources: Resources | Montgomery County Health Department (